Monday, September 21, 2009


Venerex sells to Libya for less than original offer
"CALGARY- The board of Calgary-based Verenex Energy Inc. has signed off on a deal to sell the company to Libya, in spite of being offered $136 million less than it had agreed to sell the company for in an earlier deal..."

Kanukit eivät osaa neuvotella terroristien kanssa. "Negotiating with notorious terrorists for dummies"-teos(saatavilla mm. Amazonista) neuvoo tälläisessä tapauksessa kidnappaamaan eversti Mummuinmammarin miespuolisen sukulaisen ja uhkaamaan tämän henkeä. Kanadalaiset tollot uhkailivat jollain kansainvälisellä kauppaoikeuskammarilla.

"Oil Options Hit Highs as Verleger Predicts 44% Plunge
Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Oil traders are paying more than ever in the options market to protect against a plunge in crude prices.

The gap between prices of options betting on a decline and those that would profit from a rise in oil widened to a record 10 percentage points, according to five years of data compiled by Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch. Crude stockpiles in the U.S. are 14 percent larger than a year ago and OPEC is pumping 600,000 barrels a day more than the world needs, according to the International Energy Agency..."

Verleger muistaakseni ennusti öljyn käyvän jopa 10 dollarissa. Öljy voi käydä 30 dollarissa, mutta kauan se pysyy siellä? Tuohon hintaan Pohjois-Amerikassa kovin moni tuottaja ei tee rahaa, eikä Pohjanmerellä. Useimmat OPECin jäsenet tekevät. Länsi-yhtiöille esim. 12 kuukautta 30 dollarissa tekee hemmetin moisen vajauksen kassavirtaan ja pistää suuren osan kehitteillä olevista jäihin ja tietysti heikentää yleisesti niiden taloutta. Meksikossa varmasti juhlittaisiin riemuiten 30 dollarin öljyä. Ja Brasiliassa. Molemmat maat saattaisivat harkita ja jopa päätyä OPECin jäseniksi tuollaisessa tilanteessa.

Olen pari viikkoa odottanut öljyn hinnassa selvää pudotusta tuon 60 tienoille. Alle 40 öljyä en pidä todennäköisenä, mutta kaikkeen pitää varautua. Tähän vaikkapa pitämällä käteistä käden ulottuvilla.

NPC to study future transport fuels, N. American oil and gas
"US Energy Secretary Steven Chu would like the National Petroleum Council to conduct studies on future transportation fuels and on prudent development of North American oil and gas resources, NPC members learned at their Sept. 17 meeting.

The study, “The Contributions of the Natural Gas Industry to the US National and State Economies,” was conducted by IHS Global Insight and was the first-ever to separate the gas industry’s US economic impact from that of the domestic oil industry, ANGA officials said at a Sept. 17 briefing.

“It is the policy objective of the United States to protect our nation from the serious economic and strategic risks associated with our excessive reliance on foreign oil and the destabilizing effects of a changing climate,” Chu said in a Sept. 16 letter to NPC Chairman Claiborne P. Deming, who also is chairman of Murphy Oil Corp.

“All energy uses and supply sources must be reexamined in order to enable the transition toward a lower carbon, more sustainable energy mix. Transitions in the energy sector will require the replacement of vehicles, more efficient buildings and industrial facilities, and large-scale deployment of new forms of energy,” the secretary continued.

For the future transportation fuels study, he asked the council to analyze US auto, truck, air, rail, and waterborne transport fuels prospects through 2030. “The study should address fuel demand, source, manufacturing, distribution, and infrastructure,” he indicated.

“Of particular interest is the council’s advice on policy options and pathways for integrating new fuels and vehicles into the marketplace, including infrastructure development. Factors to consider include technological advances, market dynamics, environmental mandates, cost/benefit tradeoffs, and impacts on land and water use,” Chu said.

For the North American resource development study, he asked NPC to reassess the production supply chain and infrastructure potential, and the contribution that gas can make in a transition to a lower-carbon fuel mix..."

Mapping the path for natural gas

Peter Tertzakianin artikkelit(ja kirjat) ovat lukemisen arvoisia. Eri mieltä saa olla.

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