Monday, August 8, 2011

Osumia Norjassa


Reference is made to stock exchange announcement dated 16 June 2011 related to the Norvarg discovery in PL 535 in the Barents Sea, operated by Total. Remaining operations, including the announced production test have now been completed. The results from the production test are encouraging, and will be included in the ongoing evaluation of the Norvarg area to establish the size and extent of the discovery. Preliminary estimates provided by the Operator indicate the size of the discovery at between 10- 50 recoverable GSm3 (billion cubic meters), corresponding to ca. 63-315 million barrels recoverable oil equivalent.

The Norvarg well proved gas in both the Jurassic and Triassic intervals and an extensive static and dynamic data acquisition program was performed. Moveable hydrocarbons were proven in the Stø, Snadd, and Kobbe formations. For the Kobbe, hydrocarbons were encountered over a 400 meter interval, in reservoir rocks with variable quality. Further, in the deeper Havert Formation, hydrocarbons were encountered over two main intervals (80 and 90 meters) in reservoir rocks of poor quality.

The production test was conducted in the upper part of the Kobbe Formation in order to investigate reservoir productivity. A production rate of 180,000 standard cubic meters (Sm3) per day of good quality gaswas obtained during the main flow period.The gas contains very low carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and nitrogen (N2).

Testiluku taitaa olla boe:na noin 1,000, mikä ei ole päätä huimaava luku. Jos kentän koko jää alle sataan boehen niin tällä ei juurikaan ole arvoa, kun on noin pohjoisessa. Jos koko ylittää 200 miljoonaa boeta niin Rockin osuudella ehkä 80-100 miljoonaa arvoa(2-3 dollaria per boe) tässä vaiheessa.

RockSourcen oma arvio(joka perustui heidän elektromagneettisen datan tulkintaan) osumatodennäköisyydestä Norvargissa oli >50%.

High-impact discovery in the North Sea

Statoil ASA (OSE: STL, NYSE: STO) and partners Petoro AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA and Lundin Norway AS have made a high-impact oil discovery on the Aldous Major South prospect (PL 265) in the North Sea.

Well 16/2-8, drilled by the Transocean Leader drilling rig, has identified an approximately 65-metre oil column in Jurassic sandstone. The acquired data confirm that this is a reservoir of excellent quality.

Statoil has previously described the well as a high-impact well (*), and the result confirms Statoil’s belief in the exploration potential on the Norwegian continental shelf in line with what was communicated at the Capital Markets Day event in New York in June.

Preliminary volumes are estimated to be between 200 and 400 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) for this part of the structure in PL 265, and Statoil expects additional upside in the licence both north and south of the discovery.

Aldous Major South is located west of Lundin’s Avaldsnes discovery (licence PL 501), where Statoil has a 40% stake, and some 35 kilometres south of the Statoil-operated Grane field.

Tuo Aldous-Avaldnes-kompleksi saattaa olla kooltaan yli miljardi tynnyriä talteen otettavaa öljyä, eli melkoisen iso. Olisiko suurin Pohjanmerellä reiluun 10 vuoteen? Talismanin Golden Eagle taitaa olla virallisesti suurin viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana löydetty. Vai oliko se Nexenin Buzzard?

NCS on kypsä ölkkäprovinssi, mutta selvästikkään ei vielä tyhjiin kaluttu.

Lundin päätti päivän 6 prosenttia miinukselle, vaikka kasvatti juuri 3P-reservejään 20-40 miljoonalla tynnyrillä. Brent on toki laskussa, mutta alle kolme prosenttia.

Elämme kiehtovia aikoja kiehtovassa maailmassa.

9.8.2011 Muoks.

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