Saturday, October 6, 2012


Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum), through its wholly owned subsidiary Lundin Norway AS (Lundin Norway), is pleased to announce that exploration well 7220/10-1 in PL533 has discovered gas condensate in the Salina structure located on the west flank of the Loppa High in the Barents Sea.Well 7220/10-1 has proved two gas columns in sandstone of Cretaceous and Jurassic age. Data acquisition in the well, including coring, wireline logging and fluid sampling, has proven good reservoir quality in the sandstone. Preliminary calculations, made by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, give a range of gross discovered volume in the Salina structure of between 5 and 7 billion standard cubic metres (Bsm3) (29 to 41 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe)) of recoverable gas/condensate.The well was drilled to a total depth of 2,371 metres below mean sea level and was drilled with the rig Scarabeo 8.Lundin Petroleum holds 20 percent interest in PL533. Partners are ENI (operator) with 40 percent interest, RWE Dea (20 percent) and Det norske oljeselskap ASA (20 percent)... 

 Pre-drill arvio Salinasin potentiaalista oli 500 miljoonaa boeta. Löytö ei näytä kaupalliselle; jos tämän sijainti olisi 500 kilometriä etelämmässä ja kaasun sijasta rakentessa olisi öljyä niin tämä olisi varmasti kaupallinen osuma. Jos jos.

Lisäys 10.10.2012
DetNor sanoo että ei ole kaupallinen:
 The operator’s estimate of recoverable gas volumes is between six and eight billion cubic meters (40-50 million barrels of oil equivalents). With the existing infrastructure for gas processing and transport in the Barents Sea, the gas discovery is not considered commercial by Det norske

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