Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kyllä vain

Liardissa Kanadan seuraava suuri kaasuresurssi?

In northern British Columbia, Canada, Apache has validated an outstanding new shale play in the Liard Basin with net estimated sales gas of 48 trillion cubic feet of natural gas (8 billion Boe) across 430,000 acres held with a 100-percent working interest. The resource estimate at Liard is based on recent drilling, test results and earlier well control points. "The D-34-K well is one of the best shale wells we've seen in any play," Farris said. "Our analysis indicates that the formation characteristics are remarkably consistent across this large basin."
8 miljardia boe 400,000 eekkerin pläntillä meinaa noin 12 miljoonaa boeta per section mikä ei ole hirveän paljon verrattuna Amerikan liuskeisiin. Lähempänä Kitimatia kuin Montney-kaasu, mutta infraa tuolla ei ole paljoa. Merkkaako jotain SOGille?

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