Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ZEX tiedottaa

Zodiac Provides Update on Operations in California

CALGARY, ALBERTA – Zodiac Exploration Inc. (“Zodiac” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE: ZEX)announces that based on further analysis of engineering and geological data from its 4-9 vertical test well, the Company has upgraded the Kreyenhagen formation to a primary target.

As previously reported, following a 24 ton fracture stimulation over a 30 foot siltstone interval in the Kreyenhagen formation, the 4-9 well flowed 29° API oil at an average rate of 24 bbls/day over a 9 day period prior to the well being shut in for a build up test. The pressure test analysis indicated significant skin (formation) damage of approximately +13, which the Company believes can be addressed by optimizing stimulation procedures in future wells. The Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) derived from the well test analysis demonstrated that a rate of 120 bbls per day could potentially be achieved with a pressure drawdown of 60% and the removal of formation damage from +13 to 0. The reservoir is overpressured with 12,800 psi reservoir pressure and a gradient of approximately 0.9 psi per foot. Porosity and permeability values derived from well log analysis indicate effective siltstone porosity ranging between 10 to 13%, with permeability ranging between 0.4 and 3.0 millidarcies.

120 tynnyrin teoreettinen kapasiteetti olisi kai ok. Jos horisontaali tuottaisi kertaa vertikaalin verran niin 350-400 tynnyrin IP(30 päivää) olisi todennäköinen. Kaivot ovat kyllä melkoisen kalliita(horisontaalit liki $10 miljoonaa kehitysvaiheessakin?) Itse näen ZEX:ssä saman ongelman kuin Veconossa eli kaivojen tuotto on paljolti luonnollisista murtumista riippuvainen. Jos noita murtumia pystyy kartoittamaan riittävän tarkasti mikroseismisellä niin homma voi edetä, mutta käsittääkseni kovinkaan hyvin noita ei pysty kartoittamaan.
Maassa on kuitenkin hyvin paljon öljyä mikä on erinomainen lähtökohta.

Odotetun synkkiä pilviä horisontissa:

Fracking: Monterey shale exploration draws protest

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