Nasdaq-listattu Rosetta Resources(tikkeri ROSE) on puuhastellut Länsi-Montanassa Lodgepolea, Bakkenia tai Sanishia tavoitellen.
08.05.2009: "Bakken Shale Update
Rosetta has captured more than 230,000 net acres in the Alberta Basin and plans to drill a minimum of two exploratory wells this year to help quantify the resource potential of the play. Well permitting is currently underway and the expected spud date for this program is in the third quarter of 2009. The Bakken Shale is anticipated to be at a vertical depth of roughly 5,000 - 6,000 ft and normally pressured"
10.09.2009: "Alberta Basin Bakken Shale Oil Program
Tribal Gunsight 31-16H Well Drilling Update
The Tribal Gunsight well was spud on August 25th and reached the top of its target objective at a depth of roughly 4,600 feet, as expected. Currently, coring operations are underway in the targeted zones, which include the Lodgepole, Bakken, and Three Forks intervals. Rosetta expects to core up to 180 feet of interval. Following the coring phase, Rosetta will log the vertical well section and, in combination with the core data, make a determination as to whether or not the wellbore will be drilled horizontally.
Three additional wells have been permitted in the Alberta Basin Bakken Shale Oil play where Rosetta has a roughly 230,000 net acre position"
06.11.2009: "Alberta Basin Bakken: Initial vertical exploratory well taken horizontal and second vertical exploratory well spud.
The Company's first exploratory well in the Alberta Basin to test the Lodgepole, Bakken and Three Forks formations has been successfully drilled horizontally and is currently awaiting completion. This initial exploratory well in Glacier County, Montana, the Tribal Gunsight #31-16H, was drilled vertically, cored and logged. Based on data from the vertical well, the company then drilled horizontally to a total measured depth of 9,206 feet (4,837 feet TVD). The well has a lateral length of about 4,100 feet.
Rosetta has more than 230,000 net acres in this trend and recently spud its second well in the play, the Tribal Riverbend #12-13H"
02.02.2010 presentaatiosta:

Yhtiön on ilmeisesti löytänyt jotain hiilivetypitoista kaivojen sisuksista(core) ja logeista, koska ensimmäinen kaivo on muutettu horisontaaliksi. Syvyys viittaisi Bakkenin sijasta Lodgepoleen, koska Bakkenin on arvioitu esiintyvän tuolla 5 000 ja 10 000 jalan välillä.
Rosettaa johtava Randy Limbacher vaikuttaa varsin pätevältä.
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