SAN RAMON, CA, Dec. 24, 2012 /CNW/ - Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) today announced that its indirect Canadian subsidiary, Chevron Canada Limited, will acquire a 50 percent operating interest in the Kitimat liquefied natural gas (LNG) project and proposed Pacific Trail Pipeline (PTP), and a 50 percent interest in approximately 644,000 acres of petroleum and natural gas rights in the Horn River and Liard Basins in British Columbia, Canada. "The Kitimat LNG development is an attractive opportunity that is aligned with existing strategies and will drive additional long-term production growth and shareholder returns," said George Kirkland, vice chairman, Chevron Corporation.
EOG Resources to Sell Its Kitimat LNG Facility Stake and a Portion of its Horn River Basin Acreage
HOUSTON, Dec. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE: EOG), (EOG) through its Canadian subsidiary, EOG Resources Canada Inc. (EOG Canada), today announced the signing of a purchase and sale agreement for its interest in the Kitimat LNG facility to Chevron Canada Limited. The transaction, subject to approval by Canadian regulatory authorities, is expected to close by the end of the first quarter 2013. The agreement includes EOG Canada's 30 percent interest in the planned natural gas liquefaction and export facility on British Columbia's west coast and associated Pacific Trail Pipelines project, as well as approximately 28,500 undeveloped net acres in the Horn River Basin.
"While we still believe in the viability of the Kitimat project, our decision to exit is consistent with EOG's focus on domestic onshore crude oil production, which is generating more immediate reinvestment opportunities," said Mark G. Papa, Chairman and Chief Executive Office
Hieman yllättävä uutinen varsinkin Encanan osalta. Encana tuli projektiin mukaan viimeisenä alla kaksi vuotta sitten ja suora omistusosuus LNG-vienti terminaalissa olisi luontevaa lähes puhtaalle maakaasun tuottajalle.
EOG on pitänyt projektin etenemisen edellytyksenä öljyn hintaan sidottua hintaindeksiä myytävälle maakaasulle ja trendi kuitenkin on ollut päinvastainen, eli aasialaiset kaasun ostajat ovat pyrkineet eroon öljyn hintaan sidotuista kaasun ostosopimuksista. Kaasun myyjien tavoitteiden mukaisien ostositoumuksien saaminen on ollut yksi merkittävimmistä esteistä projektin etenemiselle.
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