Strategic is acquiring a 100% working interest in 340 boe/d (83% light oil) of production and over 26 net sections of highly prospective land contiguous to Strategic's land position at Steen River. The Acquisition also includes significant pipelines, facilities and roads that are strategic to the Company and provides an immediate increase in efficiencies in current operations, coupled with a decrease in future infrastructure capital costs.
Hankinta vaikuttaa erittäin onnistuneelta.
Strategic is also pleased to announce the success of its first multistage frac well into the Muskeg formation which is prevalent over Strategic's current land holdings. This well was recently stimulated with an 8 stage, 5 tonne frac and has been on production for the last 30 days. Due to limited fluid handling capability at the West Marlowe field, the horizontal well has been flowing into a pipeline against a back pressure of 4000-5000 kpa, which limits the drawdown on the well. The well was put on production mid-November. During the first two weeks the well produced 230 BOEPD with a 25% drawdown. In December, the drawdown was increased to approximately 35% by trucking some of the liquid to the Steen battery. With the increased drawdown, the well is currently producing 365 BOEPD (45% light oil). Strategic is planning to tie the well in the newly acquired facility and optimize the drawdown. The muskeg stack play is mapped over 40 sections which Strategic currently holds. Internal estimates indicate over 8 MMBBL of OOIP per section. Current reservoir modeling suggests a recovery factor of 12 to 15%
Aika kaasuinen, mutta erinomainen pääavaus. Paineiden perusteella volyymia olisi saatavissa lisää, mutta lisäys voisi heikentää EUR:ää.
SOG on noussut noin 35% sen jälkeen kuin myin kaikki omani kuukausi sitten. Ilman minun altruismia joku olisi jäänyt paitsi komiasta kirmauksesta.
BoA heitti viikolla ilmoille näkemyksen 50 dollarin WTI-hinnasta tulevaisuudessa. Nykyinen öljyntuotannon kasvutrendi Pohjois-Amerikassa painaa kyllä hinnan alaspäin. Globaalilla tasolla voi tietysti tulla yllätyksiä/tuotantokatkoja, jotka voi vaikuttaa hinnanmuodostukseen P-A:ssakin. Majoreiden osittainen disintegraatio +kasvunut jalostettavan tavaran tarjonta+alueelliset pullonkaulat/spreadit hinnoissa=
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