ACQUISITION METRICSHieman yllättävä hankinta CPG:ltä. Lähinnä sijainnin suhteen siis, muutenhan(kevyt ölkkää, rahoitus) tämä on vanhan kaavan mukainen ostos. Toivon mukaan tässä on jotain pintaa syvemmällä. Ehkä kyse on tästä:
Based on the above expectations for the Ute Acquisition, and after adjusting for estimated land value of
US$111 million (approximately US$700 per acre for undeveloped land), the estimated acquisition metrics
for the assets expected to be acquired are as follows:
1. 2012 Cash Flow Multiple:
- 6.5 times based on production of 7,800 boe/d (US$90.00/bbl WTI, US$3.75/MMBtu Henry
Hub and US$/CDN$1.00 exchange rate)
2. Current Production Multiple:
- US$96,154 per producing boe based on 7,800 boe/d
3. Reserves Multiple:
- US$13.61 per proved plus probable boe
- US$19.95 per proved boe
"Crescent Point, Canada’s seventh-largest oil and natural gas producer, recovers light oil primarily from tight formations in Saskatchewan by flooding reservoirs with water. The company may employ its technology in the Uinta Basin oil shale, where Ute was evaluating water floods, said Mason Granger, who manages C$500 million ($502 million) at Sentry Investments Inc."Sitaatin ensimmäisen lauseen loppu on vähintäänkin harhaanjohtava, mutta Granger saattaa olla oikeilla jäljillä. CPG ehkä olettaa saavansa Uten maista enemmän öljyä talteen omien waterflood-tietotaidon avulla, kuin esim. Ute itse.
Legacy tiedotti viikko sitten alustavista positiivisista tuloksista omien WF-pilottiensa osalta:
At Taylorton, the Company has continued to observe improved waterflood response in the original pilot area. The 91/12-29 horizontal well has seen its oil production rate increase to nearly 50 Bbl per day, with a corresponding increase in fluid rate, fluid level and reduction in water cut. The pilot was expanded into section 28 in July 2012.CPG:stä löytyy mukava ja suht tuore näpistetty linkki tuolta toiselta puolelta.
Continuous improvement of drilling and completion practices has resulted in a reduction in capital costs in Taylorton, with drilling, completion, equip and tie-in costs for recent wells being 15 percent less than historical costs.
At Heward, the pilot waterflood project initiated in December 2011 continues to demonstrate waterflood response as the oil production rate in eight offsetting wells has increased since the commencement of the pilot. Individual well oil production rates are up 50 to 500 percent from prior to initiation of the waterflood. Plans are underway
for expansion of the pilot waterflood project in the latter part of 2012
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