TT-16IP-lukujen trendi on lievästi positiivinen. Näiden ensimmäisien kaivojen kustannukset ovat kuitenkin yli miljoonaa per reikä(ensimmäinen maksoi n. $12 miljoonaa), joten reilusti yli 1,000 tynnyrin IP-30-lukuihin pitäisi päästä. Kaivojen DCET-kustannukset asettunevat varmaankin tuonne 7-8 miljoonan seudulle.
The TT-11 well is Chinook's third horizontal well test of the Ordovician Quartzite Reservoir on the Bir Ben Tartar Concession (the "BBT Concession"). Partners in the concession are block holder, Enterprise Tunisienne D'Activites de Petrolieres ("ETAP"), and contractors, Chinook (86% interest) and Cygam Energy Inc. (14% interest). Completion operations on TT-11 commenced on October 22, 2012 and, following a 12-stage fracture stimulation placing a total of 447,810 pounds of proppant, production testing began on October 24, 2012. Over the initial 144 hour flow period, the TT-11 well flowed at an average oil rate of 1,744 barrels of oil per day ("bopd"), an average water rate of 1,363 barrels of water per day (44% water cut) and average gas-to-oil ratio of 1,311 standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil. Cumulative water recovered to date represents approximately 72% of the load fluid used during completion and water cuts have decreased from 73% to 43% over the flow period to date. Early trend data in these initial applications of a multi-staged completion of the tight Ordovician sand reservoir should be assessed on more mature initial production data of 30 and 90 days, which will be released as that data becomes available.
Production from the previously announced TT-13 well averaged 3,251 bopd gross over the first 10 days of production and was subsequently restricted to 1,500 bopd gross due to capacity constraints and limitations on crude oil trucking and surface water handling.
Gross production from the first horizontal well at TT-16 averaged 897 bopd over the first 10 days of production, 825 bopd over the first 30 days of production and 715 bopd over the first 60 days of production and is currently producing 515 bopd with 6% water cut after 101 days of production. Chinook estimates fourth quarter gross production from the BBT Concession to average between 4,500 bopd and 4,750 bopd with an estimated gross productive capacity 2012 exit rate of 5,000 bopd to 5,250 bopd.
Itselleni on vieläkin epäselvää kuinka suuri CKE:n BBT-kaivopaikkainventaario on. Kartan perusteella arviosin maksimissaan pari kymmentä potentiaalista reikää.
Tiedotteessa mainitaan myös, että Cosmos-poolin reservit ovat uuden arvion myötä nousseet reilut 60% eli pari miljoonaa tynnöriä. Cosmoksen tuotanto on käynnistymässä aikaisintaa vuonna 2014, joten merkityksellistä lyhyen aikavälin vaikutusta tuolla ei ole.
Pientä lisäys omaan positioon harkitsen, mutta ensin pitää ottaa selkoa kuinka suuri on BBT:n kvartsin potentiaalinen resurssi.
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