Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NADL ei siirry Oslon listoille

North Atlantic pulls Oslo listing

The company is now looking at “several strategic alternatives” and is considering instead a stocklisting overseas on a “higher profile” stock exchange, possibly London or New York, it said in a statement.

North Atlantic, which filed its listing application in October, was due to start trading on the Oslo bourse on 4 November.

“During the listing process various matters needing further clarification have emerged including Norwegian tax calculations, the relationship with Seadrill, some accounting treatments as well as the free float and the share price level compared to listing requirements,” the statement read.

It stated the company’s board was “committed to a strategy where the liquidity in the trading of the North Atlantic Drilling shares will increase, or alternatively where significant additional value can be created for shareholders through a corporate transaction”.

A final decision will be made within the next 30 days.

"The board is pleased with the performance of the company and is excited about the tightening market for harsh environment drilling units. The company is actively pursuing new growth opportunities in both the jack-up and the floater markets,” the statement added.

Yhtiön erottamisessa Seadrillistä ei ollut järkeä alunperinkään ja veikkaan että NADL ostetaan jonkinlaisella preemiolla takaisin Seadrillin 100% tytäryhtiöksi.

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