"Alliance Group launches recommended Cash Offer for Alliance Oil Company
The Boards of Directors of Lambros Overseas S.A. and OJSC Alliance Group (together “Alliance Group”) and Alliance Oil Company Ltd. (“AOC”, the “Company”) today announce a recommended cash offer, pursuant to which Alliance Group, through its jointly owned subsidiary Alford Financial Ltd (“Alford”), would acquire all of the ordinary shares in AOC (the “Ordinary Shares”), represented by Swedish Depositary Receipts (“SDRs”), and all the preference shares in AOC (the “Preference Shares”), represented by SDRs, which are held by parties other than Alliance Group and its affiliates (the ”Transaction”)"
" Under the terms of the Transaction, holders of Ordinary Shares and Preference Shares (together referred to herein as the ”Shares”) in AOC (the “Shareholders”), except for the holder(s) of Shares held by or on behalf of Alliance Group and its affiliated companies, are offered a cash consideration consisting of:
- SEK 60 in cash for each Ordinary Share; and
- SEK 313 in cash for each Preference Share, plus SEK 7.5 for each Preference Share multiplied by the percentage of the period between the most recent dividend record date and the subsequent dividend record date, which has elapsed at the registration of the Amalgamation1 (the cash consideration for all Shares together referred to as the “Cash Consideration”)"
Yhtiöstä ja etuoikeusosakkeista on useampi postaus tuolla toisella palstalla. Voitto(brutto) omista lapuista jää noin 15 prosenttiin. Ei hirveän huono ottaen huomioon, että etuoikeusosakkeiden riskeinä olivat lähinnä valuuttakurssit ja yleinen inflaatio; osinko oli nimellismäärältään taattu ja tuon kautta kurssille oli jonkinlainen pohja. Kruunun heikkeneminen laskee voittoa paria prosenttia.
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