In the Chonta formation, we tested a ten foot perforated interval with an electric submersible pump ("ESP") for a total of 37.5 hours through temporary well-test equipment. A total of 2,235 barrels of 53 API gravity oil was produced at an average rate of 1,430 bopd, with no water recovered during the test. Solution gas was present, but in quantities too small to measure. Drawdowns at the end of the test were 50 percent. Additional drilling, testing and 3D seismic will be required to help evaluate this encouraging discovery.Näiden lukujen perusteella tilanne on sama kuin näkisi 10 sentin kolikon likaisen roskiksen pohjalla, ei vaivan arvoista. Talteen otettavaa tavaraa pitäisi olla vähintää kymmeniä miljoonia tynnyreitä, jotta osuma keskellä perulaista viidakkoa olisi kaupallinen. Näyttää siltä että tässä on talteen otettavaa korkeintaan vain muutamia miljoonia tynnyreitä.
The Chonta sand is currently interpreted as a shoreface sand with good lateral extent and continuity that was deposited on a pre-existing high. Internally calculated potential resource volumes suggest a potential of 14 million barrels of discovered petroleum initially-in-place ("DPIIP"), based on minimal closure, to 140 million barrels of DPIIP based on maximum closure to interpreted spill point.
Outoa että kaasua ei ole suurempia määriä, kun öljy on noin kevyttä.
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