Saxon/Placid Area
The Saxon/Placid area has become an increasingly important asset area, following the drilling and completion of a number of successful wells. The Duvernay and Montney formations are both prolific in the area. The company has drilled and completed four Montney and two Nordegg wells, drilled one Montney well, and has spudded one horizontal Duvernay well by the end of the first quarter of 2012. The results from the Montney well completions are above expectation, and the company is targeting Montney deliverability rates in the Saxon/Placid area to be similar to those at its Kaybob property.
The first quarter 2012 success in Saxon/Placid is highlighted by the results of the 04-28-60-23W5 well, located in the southernmost portion of the area. The 04-28 well targeted a lower zone in the Montney Formation than was tested in the offsetting 102/13-33-60-23W5 well. The 4-28 well results prove that this second zone is a separate formation and that it's highly productive and present over a large area. The 1,329 metre, 04-28 lateral well was hydraulically fractured with 15 stages of energized oil treatments, and was flow tested over seven days with a final rate of over 950 boe/d (600 bbl/d of 44° API oil with 3.0 mmcf/d gas at a stabilized flowing pressure of 650 psig). The company believes that this new Montney zone has the potential to double the Montney inventory in the area.
A second well 100/03-11-062-23W5M was drilled and completed with a 1,222 metre lateral fractured with 14 stages of energized oil treatments. Although the 03-11 well flow test was cut short due to surface access restrictions associated with spring break-up, the well was flowing 1,720 boe/d (1500 bbl/d of light oil (43° API) and 1.3 mmcf/d of natural gas) at a stabilized flowing tubing pressure of 850 psig at the end of the 54-hour flow period.
Joku saatanan tollo möi maansa ja osti rahoilla ilmaa. Toinen tollo ei tajunnut myydä kaikkia osakkeita, kun olisi saanut parin sadan prosentin tuotot, vaan möi osan ja osti takaisin. Guru 'tana.
Athabasca's horizontal well at 102/07-18-064-17W5 is the first reported horizontal Duvernay oil well in the Province of Alberta. The 1,237 metre horizontal leg in 07-18 was completed with a 12 stage, 100 tonne per stage completion and over a 16-day period, the well produced approximately 6,100 bbls of 44° API oil. The 07-18 well tested at a final rate of 650 boe/d which was comprised of 390 barrels per day (bbl/d) of oil and 1.5 million cubic feet per day (mmcf/d) of gas flowing up 2 7/8-inch tubing. At Kaybob, Athabasca owns approximately 225 net sections of Duvernay rights (Kaybob East and West) which exhibit more than 20 metres of net pay.Ihan hyvä päänavaus, mutta parempaan pitää pystyä jos Duvernaylla meinaa rahaa tehdä.
Jopa jaksavat lyödä öljy-yhtiöitä maanrakoon. Vaikea kuvitella öljyn hinnan laskevan alle US$60/barreli. Tosin kaikki tuntuu olevan mahdollista tässä hullussa maailmassa.
Aivan mahtavaa menoa. Pieni tasainen lasku ahdistaa meikäläistä, mutta kunnon pudotukset saavat aina innostumaan. Pitää taas lisäillä. Canexussusta eniten.
SOG vieläkin lisää. Ainoa sisäpiiriläinen, joka on myynyt muutaman viimeisen kuukauden aikana on Driver, joka on myynyt koko ajan kun ollut yhtiössä hinnasta riippumatta.
ACQ on meitin paras osuma tämän vuoden puolella ja pirun hyvä sellainen(useimmat muut päin peetä ja kunnolla), mutta tämä onkin petro kulutuksen puolella. Pitää näköjään olla näitä suojauksia(lentsikat, autot jne.).
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