Over the past 18 months and through a series of joint ventures, farm-ins and Crown land sales, Crescent Point has accumulated more than 380 (165 net) sections of land highly prospective for the Beaverhill Lake zone in the Swan Hills area. The majority of the lands were acquired in a joint venture with Coral Hill Energy Ltd. ("Coral Hill") through Crown sales by way of exploration licences, which have a nine-year development term with minimal drilling requirements to hold the lands.
Crescent Point is also pleased to announce that it has acquired ownership of 8,000,000 common shares of Arcan Resources Ltd. ("Arcan"), which is a leading Beaverhill Lake producer, at an effective price of $5.08 per Arcan share. These shares, which represent 9% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Arcan, were acquired through the facilities of the TSX Venture Exchange. As a result of the acquisition of the Arcan shares, Crescent Point now has ownership and control over 16,750,000 common shares of Arcan, representing approximately 19% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Arcan, as of the date hereof, on a non-diluted basis.
PetroFrontier Corp. Acknowledges Acquisition of Its Common Shares by Heritage Oil Plc
Heritagella 10% PFC:n osakkeista.
BHP Billiton and Petrohawk-Energy Corporation Announce Merger Agreement
Kova preemio(kylläkin reilusti alle vuoden öljyn ennätyshintojen aiheuttaman 2008 ATH:n, joka oli HK:n tapauksessa selvä kupla, kun tuo tämä oli tuolloinkin selvästi kaasupainoinen) ja puhtaana käteisenä. HK:n omapääoma on 3.6 miljardia dollaria, josta BHP nyt maksaa 12 miljardia(kertoo kai jotain P/B:n käyttökelpoisuudesta tällä toimialalla).
Keskiviikkona oli taas Albertassa PNG-oikeuksia tarjolla ja ostajiakin löytyi. Muutaman pläntin hinnat Etelä-Albertassa(korkein lihavoitu):
A0006 (4-24-009) 100% WINDFALL RESOURCES LTD. 14,197,524.48 8,216.16
A0007 (4-26-009) 100% SANDSTONE LAND & MINERAL COMPANY LT D. 878,930.97 709.25
A0008 (4-26-009) 100% SCOTT LAND & LEASE LTD. 2,512,502.40 2,617.19
A0009 (4-26-010) 100% LANDSOLUTIONS GP INC. 1,860,003.84 1,210.94
A0010 (4-26-010) 100% SANDSTONE LAND & MINERAL COMPANY LT D. 649,996.80 507.81
A0011 (4-27-010) 100% LANDSOLUTIONS GP INC. 3,507,496.32 2,382.81
Blogin sisältö on valahtanut copy-pasteksi, mutta yritän lähiaikoina saada jotain omaakin sisältöä.
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