Friday, May 6, 2011

Rainbow-siirtoputkessa reikä

Vuoto alkoi jo viikko sitten:

Calgary, Alberta (April 29, 2011) The Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) is working with Plains Midstream Canada, Alberta Environment and other appropriate agencies during cleanup efforts following a crude oil pipeline failure about 100 km northeast of Peace River.

Plains Midstream staff confirmed the leak of an undetermined volume of crude oil at 7:30 a.m. on April 29. The leaked oil is 300 metres from any flowing water or runoff. The line has been isolated and depressurized and the leak has been brought to a close.

The nearest residence is more than 7 km away. There have been no injuries resulting from the incident and there is no threat to public safety at this time. An ERCB inspector is en route to the site and an investigation into the incident will be conducted, as is the normal practice. All appropriate authorities have been notified.

Pipeline leaks in Alberta are rare. In 2009, Alberta’s pipeline industry set a record-low pipeline failure rate of 1.7 per 1,000 kilometres of pipeline, bettering the previous record-low of 2.1 set in both 2008 and 2007.

Yhtiöiltä ei ole juurikaan tullut tiedotteita tämän johdosta. Vuoto on Evin kohdilla, joten Red Earthin ja sitä pohjoisempien alueiden(Haro,Chincaga) tuottajat saattavat joutua käyttämään tankkereita.

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