Friday, April 29, 2011

PBR:n osakkeet arvottomia?

Petrobras faces 'tax backlash'

Brazil's state-run oil company Petrobras could be forced to pay 15.5 billion reais ($9.8 billion) in back taxes to the Brazilian government, the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper reported Friday.

The charge could hurt the company's earnings over the coming years as Petrobras did not make any provision for this expense, the newspaper said.

Brazil's Secretariat of the Federal Revenue charged the payment of several taxes including income tax and social contribution over net profit. It argues that Petrobras paid less than it should or did not pay at all some of the taxes.

Petrobras, led by chief executive Jose Sergio Gabrielli, has appealed. The company confirmed that was it charged by the secretariat, but argued it had paid the taxes according to the law, Reuters quoted the newspaper as saying.

Nobody at Petrobras’ office in Rio de Janeiro was immediately available to comment.

The company posted its highest profit ever in the fourth quarter of 2010, with net income soaring 38% on financial earnings and lower expenses.


Anonymous said...

Petrobrasissa ainoa ongelma IMO on tämä valtion enemmistöomistus, joka saattaa yllättää juuri tällaisilla tempuilla.

Spicer said...

Tämä oli täysin odotettavissa ja tilanne on täysin sama Valessa. Valtio pakottaa yhtiöt sijoittamaan projekteihin, joilla ei ole juurikaan tekemistä yhtiön liiketoiminnan kanssa, säädetään lakeja, joilla yhtiöt pakotetaan ostamaan paikallisia tuotteita ja palveluita hinnasta riippumatta ja tyhjennetään ylimääräiset kolikot kassoista tulkitsemalla verolakeja aiempaa tiukemmin.