A handful of companies are leasing hundreds of thousands of acres across portions of the Baton Rouge area and central Louisiana, home to a geological formation that LSU researchers say could produce 7 billion barrels of hard-to-get oil...
Encore 2008 Q1 CC:
Now I want to talk to you about some new areas in play that’s been working on at Encore. We’ve been working on a play called the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Southern Mississippi and the Florida parishes in Louisiana. Because we drilled and permitted two wells in the TMS attention has been drawn to the play and we thought it was appropriate to mention the play in the press release and discus it on the call. We’ve leased 208,000 net acres in the TMS and have drilled two wells. We became interested in this play because of three blowouts and numerous high pressure kicks that have occurred while drilling through the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale on the way down to the Tuscaloosa sand. The Marine Shale is a source rock for the Tuscaloosa sand. So we started looking closer and we discovered a silt stone in the shale that we believe would have enough integrity to drill a horizontal well into it.
It looks like we were correct. We’ve cored the wells and see vertical fractures in the core and we know that we can drill horizontals in this. This is an early phase resource play. The first well is a horizontal well that we were able to drill out about 1,650 feet with a horizontal lateral. We were originally hoping to get out about 4,500 feet but because of drilling problems we could only get out 1,650. That well is on pump and it’s making between 150 and 200 barrels a day. The second well we drilled we were able to get out 3,100 feet. We have just recently fracked that well and are waiting on production results but this is a huge resource and we’re excited about making oil out of our first completion. What we know about the TMS now is we can drill horizontal lateral, we can produce oil and we think as we link the laterals we ought to see the wells improve. We have a lot of work in front of us. We need to drop the drilling costs, extend the laterals and optimize our stimulation techniques to make the wells better and better but when we figure this out we’ll have a lot of running room. We know the oil is there, we just need to figure out the best way to get it out.
Encoren presentaatio aiheesta
An Unproven Unconventional Seven Billion Barrel Oil
Resource - the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
The Tuscaloosa Marine Shale- Play History

Encore on nykyisin osa Denburya. Muistaakseni oli melkoinen hypettäjä ja alisuoriutuja itsenäisenä yhtiönä.
18.02.2011 Lisäys
Tämä vaikuttaa todella lupaavalta. Resurssi ei laajuudeltaan ilmeisesti ole lähellekkään samassa luokassa Bakkenin tai Eagle Fordin kanssa, mutta vaikuttaa vähintään yhtä tuottoisalta yksittäisen kaivon tasolla. Tietoja itselläni muodostelman yksityiskohdista on kyllä tässä vaiheessa todella vähän.
Denbury on myynyt osan Encore omistuksista, mutta TMS-projektin maat ovat ilmeisesti ainakin osin yhtiön hallussa. DNR on tosin markkina-arvoltaan ja tuotannoltaan niin suuri että tämä ei lyhyellä aikavälillä paljon pystyisi heiluttamaan sen kurssia tai arvoa. Yksi pienen pieni ja hyvin hämärältä vaikuttava yhtiö löytyi, jolla on vähän oikeuksia aivan resurssin ytimessä. En tosin tiedä kattavatko oikeudet TMS-vyöhykkeen.
Löytyi toinen pienehkö yhtiö, joka on huomattavasti vähemmän hämärämpi.
Apachen Q4 CC:stä kommentti, joka saattaa viitata TMS:ään:
We have also created a new region to focus on our Gulf Coast onshore assets where we control over 700,000 acres, including almost 300,000 acres in South Louisiana where we own the minerals. We believe the opportunities for growth onshore warrant having a dedicated organization and based on our recent experience in the Permian, since it was created as a focus region, we expect great things from our Gulf Coast onshore team.
Hämärällä taidat tarkoittaa AMZG:ta?
En. Tämä on hämärämpi. Melkein pimeä.
Rylandista tuttu Dirty Dick Findley on toki hämärä, mutta tämä on aivan eri kellonajan hämäryys-tasolla
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